Friday 7 October 2016

The present perfect / El presente perfecto

Hola estudiantes de español. Hoy vamos a ver el presente perfecto en español.

What is the present perfect?

In English the present perfect is the verb used to talk about what has happened. For example:  I have been in Spain,  You have bought a new car,  have you visited the new museum?

As in English we use “ el presente perfecto” for the same situations. For example: Yo he terminado la universidad, Él ha limpiado la casa muy bien, Ellos han salido toda la noche, ¿Has visto a tu amigo en la playa?

This verb is called the present perfect because in order to form it :

-          We use the present  of the verb “haber”.
-          After the verb haber we add the participle.

Let's see  an example  by using the regular verb hablar:

Yo he hablado
Tú has hablado
Él/Ella ha hablado
Nosotros/as hemos hablado
Vosotros/as habéis hablado
Ellos/as han hablado

As we can see in the previous example the present of the verb haber is: he, has ha, hemos, habéis,han.  The participle of the verb hablar is hablado.

Regarding the participle let us see how to form it:

For verbs ending in –AR, we have to take off the –AR and add –ADO .Examples:

Estudiar- Estudiado.
Dibujar- dibujado

For verbs ending in –ER and -IR, we take off the ending –ER or –IR  and we add –IDO. Examples:

Beber- bebido

Now you already know how to form the present perfect for  regular verbs  in Spanish, unfortunately some verbs, as you may already guessed , are irregular in the participle form but this is something we will see in another post.

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Profesor de español

Yo Spanish school Liverpool

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